Odprtje Mozilla Space Novo mesto


Nino Vranešič

Letošnje leto za Mozillo Slovenija predstavlja ogromen napredek. Zgodovinsko dejstvo, da je bila Slovenija prva evropska država, kjer je Firefox prehitel Internet Explorer po številu uporabnikov, je jasen dokaz za to, da v tej deželi izpod Alp dobro delamo. Letos je število sodelavcev naraslo kar za faktor 9x!

Mozilla Slovenija ekipa

Še bolj smo se trudili vzpostaviti povezave z drugimi organizaciji, ki cenijo naše vrednote. V Sloveniji so odprtokodna gibanja dostikrat podcenjena, čeprav odprta koda  v svojem izvornem pomenu spodbuja odprto sodelovanje ter razvoj.

Z veseljem zato sporočamo, da smo dosegli dogovor o sodelovanju s StartUP Novo mesto, kjer smo letos maja že predstavili spletni pospeševalnik idej WebFWD.


V septembru 2013 odpiramo skupne prostore v Podjetniškem inkubatorju Podbreznik v Novem mestu,  tako imenovani Mozilla Space. Na voljo bo pisarna, kjer bo slovenska skupnost v bodoče lahko še uspešneje delovala. Na voljo bo tudi dodaten prostor, ki bo – v duhu odprtokodnega gibanja –  odprt za obiskovalce. Seznanili se boste lahko s projekti, ki jih izvajamo pri Mozilli in pri StartUP Novo mesto. Jugovzhodna Slovenija, kamor spada Novo mesto, je področje perspektivnih poslovnih priložnosti in inovativnosti, ki izkazuje vztrajno pozitivno gospodarsko rast z visoko dodano vrednostjo. Z vidika prometnih poti je v središču slovenskega avtocestnega križa, saj povezuje Ljubljano in Zagreb.

Uspešno delo v preteklem letu nameravamo seveda tudi spodobno proslaviti!

Odprtje Mozillinih prostorov NM

Vljudno vas vabimo, da se nam pridružite pri odprtju Mozilla Space Novo mesto 14. Septembra ob 17:00 uri.

Z nami bo tudi plesno društvo Arabeska, ki bo poskrbelo za popestritev programa. Prireditev pa bomo zaključili s premiernim predvajanjem dokumentarca o Mozilli.

Vsekakor dogodek, ki ga ne smete zamuditi. Veselimo se, da se bomo srečali!



Na voljo je Firefox 23

Vito Smolej

Firefox omogoča enostavno deliti  priljubljene vsebine
Družabne spletne strani in storitve so ključni del spletnega življenja in Firefox razvijamo dalje v tej smeri. Lansko leto smo se posvetili razvoju možnosti, kako družabne strani in storitve neposredno vključiti v Firefox, da bi se lahko hitro in enostavno povezali s prijateljicami in prijatelji, znankami in znanci in s svojo družino.

Firefox logo

Lani smo v Firefox kot prvi družabni partner vključili Facebook. Kmalu po tem smo še dodali Cliqz, Mixi in msnNOW, v Firefox pa nameravamo vgraditi še več družabnih spletnih strani, storitev in aplikacij, da bo vaše brskanje še bolj družabno, prilagodljivo in osebno.

V želji, omogočiti vam prijetnejše izkušnje na spletu in razširiti našo ponudbo na družabnem področju, smo v Firefox vgradili možnost, spletne vsebine na enostaven način deliti z drugimi. Gumb Deli naprej v orodni vrstici Firefoxa vam omogoča, da lahko, kjer koli na spletu ste, neposredno iz Firefoxa z nekaj kliki obvestite svoje prijatelje ali privržence o priljubljenih temah. Lahko objavite zanimiv članek na svojem profilu, delite recept s svojimi prijateljicami in prijatelji ali pa pošljete idejo za darilo, z zasebnim sporočilom ali po e-pošti, in to ne da bi zapustili spletno stran, na kateri se ravnokar nahajate. Preizkusite sedaj Facebook Messenger za Firefox ali pa Cliqz.

S prijatelji in člani svoje družine lahko ostanete v stiku prek Firefoxa tudi na druge načine. S pomočjo dosledne stranske vrstice si lahko ogledujete in komentirate svoje osebne prispevke, svoje prijave lahko preverjate neposredno v orodni vrstici Firefox, klepetate s prijatelji, ne da bi zapustili spletno stran, skratka sove vsebine lahko delite s svojimi prijatelji, privrženci in mrežami neposredno v Firefoxu.

Sedaj vam je v Firefoxu na voljo neskončno možnosti, kako se vključiti v družabna omrežja in kako brskalniku dodati e-pošto, finance, glasbo, sezname odprtih nalog, šport, novice in druge aplikacije.

Za več informacij:
* Prenesite si Firefox za Windows, Mac in Linux
* Opombe ob izdaji Firefoxa za Windows, Mac in Linux
* Preprečevalnik mešanih vsebin

Firefox za Android omogoča hitrejše in lažje mobilno brskanje

Firefox za Android vam omogoča enostaven dostop do vaših najljubših spletnih strani. Novi Firefox za Android vsebuje izboljšave za naslovno vrstico in naslovni zaslon, tako da lahko na spletu še hitreje pridete do svojega cilja.

Firefox za Android naslovno vrstico samodejno skrije, kadar je ne potrebujete, tako da vam je za vaše vsebine na razpolago celoten zaslon. Ko naslovno vrstico spet potrebujete, si jo enostavno privlečete z vrha zaslona. Med vnašanjem naslova vam naslovna vrstica pomaga s predlogi. da še hitreje lahko pridete do priljubljenih spletnih mest. Firefox za Android nudi sedaj Preklopi na zavihek, tako da vam je lahko najti že odprt zavihek in preklopiti nanj – podvojenih zavihkov tako ne bo več.

Vam je eden od ponujenih iskalnikov najbolj pri srcu? V novem Firefoxu za Android lahko v Upravitelju dodatkov za Firefox določite, kateri od iskalnikov bo prednastavljen. Potrebno je samo nekaj klikov za to: oObiščite Upravitelja dodatkov in dolgo pritisnite na nameščeni iskalnik, ki ga želite izbrati. Prikaže se okno, kjer lahko za iskalnik izberete ali “Onemogoči” ali “Nastavi kot privzeto.”

Firefox za Android sedaj vključuje posodobljen bralnik RSS, s katerim se lahko na preprost način naročite na vire RSS. Če na strani, ki ima viden RSS, dolgo potrkate na naslovno vrstico, boste lahko izbrali “Naroči se na stran”.

Mozilla pri ustvarjanju Firefoxa sodeluje s svetovno skupnostjo prostovoljcev in skoraj vse ne-angleške različice brskalnika so plod prostovoljnih ekip za lokalizacijo. Firefox za Android dodaja podporo za turški in madžarski jezik, tako da ima še več ljudi po vsem svetu dostop do Firefoxa v svojem lastnem jeziku.

Za več informacij:
*    Prenesite si Firefox za Android
*     Opombe ob izdaji za Firefox za Android
*     Zdravstveno poročilo za Firefox

“Zahtevamo večjo transparentnost pri vladnem nadzoru”

Vito Smolej

Obvestilo za javnost Centra za demokracijo in tehnologijo ZDA

Center za demokracijo in tehnologijo (CDT)  je danes v imenu izjemne koalicije internetnih podjetij in zagovornikov svobode govora in pravic zasebnosti poslal ameriški vladi pismo z zahtevo po večji preglednosti iz razlogov državne varnosti nadzorovanih spletnih in telefonskih komunikacij  Velikim podjetjem, kot so Apple, Facebook in Twitter, in ključnim pobudnikom kampanje StopWatching.Us (gl. prevod poziva), kot sta Mozilla in Electronic Frontier Foundation, so se v pismu s podpisom pridružila še številna druga podjetja in velika in majhna združenja.

V luči nedavnih odkritij o obsegu nadzornih programov Varnostne državne agencije (NSA) pismo zahteva in pričakuje, tako od Obamove administracije kot od kongresa, da spletnim in telefonskim podjetjem dovolita objavljati splošne številčne podatke o različnih vrstah prejetih vladnih zahtev in o številu prizadetih ljudi.Pismo  poleg tega poudarja nujnost objavljanja “transparentnostnih poročil” s strani vlade, ki naj vsebujejo podobno podrobne podatke o obsegu njenih nadzornih dejavnosti. Pred kratkim objavljena peticija  Beli hiši, WeNeedToKnow.info, pa vabi javnost, da se pridruži pozivu za večjo preglednost na področju vladnega nadzora.

“Demokracija zahteva odgovornost in odgovornost zahteva transparentnost. Vendar Američani nimajo osnovnih podatkov o obsegu vladnega nadzora nad internetom, informacij, ki bi jih veliko podjetij z veseljem nudilo svojim uporabnikom, pa jim vlada to prepoveduje, “je dejal Kevin Bankston, višji svetovalec in direktor svobodnega izražanja CDT, ki je organiziral poziv k skupnem dejanju. “Transparentnost vladnega nadzora je odločilnega pomena za gospodarstvo na internetu. Internetna podjetja, odgovorna za zaščito zasebnosti in varnost naših komunikacij, morajo ohraniti zaupanje svojih uporabnikov v ZDA in po vsem svetu. To pa bo mogoče le, če bodo podjetja lahko objavljala poročila o preglednosti z osnovnimi informacijami o zahtevah vlade, kar se teh podatkov tiče.

Pismo in peticija prihajata v javnost le teden dni potem, ko je manjša, vendar ravno tako večstranska koalicija za svobodo govora vložila sodne priloge, ki podpirajo  Google in Microsoft v njunem mnenju, da mora Zakon o nadzoru obveščevalnih aktivnosti v tujini (FISA) dovoliti objavo osnovnih informacij o zahtevah vlade. Google in Microsoft sta podpisala današnje pismo, ravno tako tudi Yahoo!, ki je tudi že vložil zahtevo pri pristojnem sodišču, da se mu v okviru FISA ne krati pravice do obveščanja javnosti.

“Osnovne številčne podatke o nadzoru v zvezi s kazenskem pregonu se objavlja že leta dolgo, pa te objave preiskav niso ovirale in tudi Tony Soprano se zaradi tega ni mogel izogniti roki pravice. Če so podobni podatki o državnih organih za nadzor varnosti javno dostopni, Američani zaradi tega ne bomo nič manj varni, samo bolje obveščeni,” je nadaljeval Bankston. “Dokler javnost ni ustrezno informirana, smiselna razprava o obsegu teh vladnih aktivnosti ni mogoča. Ljudje v obveščevalnih agencij pogosto govorijo o tem, kako pomembno je, da se omeji dostop do informacij na osebe, ki “morajo vedeti”. To pa smo vsi državljani ZDA. In vedeti hočemo zdaj.”

Stop watching us

Stop watching us.

Kopija pisma, z naslovniki in podpisniki peticije, je na razpolago tule: weneedtoknow-transparency-letter

prev. smo

Conversion Rate Optimization on mozilla.si


Žiga Milek

V tej objavi je opisana optimizacija konverzije, ki jo trenutno izvajamo na domači strani mozilla.si. Najprej je predstavljena analiza podatkov, zbranih s pomočjo različnih spletnih orodij, nato pa naši načrti za testiranje v prihodnjih tednih. Objava je tokrat izjemoma v angleščini.

Author of the blog post is Žiga Milek, a Mozillian and founder of Hiperteh.

First of all, Mozilla Slovenija would like to thank Qualaroo, CrazyEgg and Visual Website Optimizer for giving us access to their amazing software. Thanks guys, you’re awesome!

Second of all, this is a long post. For those of you that don’t want to read the whole thing (although it would be nice if you did :)), here are the CliffsNotes.


  1. We created a new website.
  2. We decided to make it better.
  3. We gathered the data. Here’s our process:
    • Find out what the visitors are doing. Using Google Analytics we found out that most of our visitors actually don’t leave the homepage.
    • Find out what works. Using CrazyEgg we found out that the thing on our homepage that works best is the green “Firefox” button.
    • Find out what doesn’t work. Using Qualaroo we found out that a lot of our visitors are having some sort of a problem that they are looking to solve.
  4. We will run tests.

The redesign

In mid-April we launched a redesign of our homepage. If you’re interested, here are our first design (2002) and our previous design.

The new design brought much needed improvements: uncluttered and cleaner look, responsive design, new logo, …

For many website owners (even large companies) that would be their last step. “We’ve created this awesome new design, now let’s bring as many people to our website as we can.”

Not the case with us. We’re aware that our journey to a better website has just begun.

The new design. Pretty, right? But not enough.

That’s not to say our new design wasn’t good. Far from it. But without carrying out different tests and tracking, we cannot say what works, what doesn’t and where we’re losing visitors. With that in mind – every website can be improved.

Great Design + Usability = Happy Visitors

This will probably offend many designers, but the reality is great design is not enough. Things have changed in the past couple of years.

A website must provide a pleasant user experience for the visitor and if it looks great, that’s a good start. But the website also has to be usable for the visitor.

If the visitor can’t find what she’s looking for, her opinion of our website will probably not be very good. Even if the website looked exceptional.

With that in mind, we decided that we have to allow our visitors to find the information they are looking for easier.

This is where Conversion Rate Optimization comes in.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO for short) is a process of modifying the design and flow of a website. The goal is to increase the percentage of visitors that take the action you want them to take. This percentage is called the conversion rate.

The action you want them to take can be many things: often it’s the purchase of your product (in that case we say that the visitor converted into customer).

The desired action can also be downloading of your software. Or signing up for your mailing list. Or calling your hotline. Pretty much anything you want.

Example: Let’s say you’re a writer. After writing many short stories, you’ve just finished your very first novel. You’re very proud of it. You decide to sell it on your website. After a while you look at your data and you see that out of every 100 visitors on your website, 2 actually go ahead and buy your novel. Your conversion rate is 2%. If you want to sell more, you have two options.

You can

  1. attract more visitors to your website OR
  2. get more of your existing visitors to buy your novel.

If you decide for the first option, you’ll delve into Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or paid advertising. If you go for the second, you’ll engage in (yes, you guessed it) CRO.

Any shop owner will tell you that it’s much easier to change the appearance of your shop than it is to get more people to come to your shop.

Which is why it seems absurd that in today’s online world for every $92 that are spent for acquiring visitors, only $1 is spent for converting them (source).

But things are changing. SEO is slowly losing it’s breath and CRO is gaining ground fast. Here’s a research that backs that up.

How we could do Conversion Rate Optimization

When it comes to CRO, there’s an easy way you can go about it. You open up your favorite browser, do a quick search and soon you’ve got a handful of blog posts, all describing “Top 10 Tips” and “Best Practices”.

You follow their advice, implement all of them on your website and sit back while the money comes pouring in. Right? Wrong! To your dismay you find out that your “new and improved” website actually performs worse than your old one.

How can that be? You’ve implemented internet’s best practices – why is it not working? Because every website has it’s own story. What worked on one website, is not necessarily going to work on another.

If you try to combine what worked on 5 websites, you are probably shooting yourself in the foot. It’s bound to be a disaster.

That’s why we at Mozilla Slovenija decided to prevent any foot injuries and actually do CRO the right way.

How we actually do Conversion Rate Optimization

Here’s the right way to do Conversion Rate Optimization:

  1. Find out what your visitors want.
  2. Give it to them.

This seems to be even easier than “the easy way” from before, right? Well, yeah, it’s a very simple idea.

But it’s the execution that matters. The execution takes time. And effort. And a bit of knowledge and experience. And often the ability to admit you’re wrong.

That’s why many opt for the easy way.

We analyzed the data from Google Analytics

Every major Conversion Rate Optimization usually starts with website analytics. Whether you use Google Analytics, Clicky, Piwik or any other website analytics software – the objective here is pretty much the same: find out what the visitors are doing.

If you run an e-commerce website or you have any other complex conversion funnels, you should look for underperforming pages. For example, you might find out that your visitors are leaving your website right before they should click “Checkout”. If that’s the case, then solving THAT problem should be on the very top of your to-do list. Visitors are obviously willing to buy for you, but for some reason they can’t. Find out why!

On the contrary, you could find out that a certain post on your blog is generating a ton of traffic. Find out why and consider giving it a more prominent place on your homepage/sidebar/header/footer.

Those are just two simple examples you could encounter when analyzing your website analytics. They illustrate that you have to be on the lookout for surprises.

Our website is very simple, we don’t have any complex conversion funnels. But still – even on very simple websites there are hidden surprises in their analytics data.

Here are the two biggest surprises that we found.

First surprise: Most of our visitors don’t use Firefox

We are a local community of the organization that builds Firefox and almost half of our visitors use Internet Explorer?? What’s up with that?

Only 32% of our visitors use Firefox

The fact that only 32% of our visitors use Firefox is not so surprising when you start to think about it. What if those Internet Explorer and Chrome users are actually visiting our site to download and install Firefox? That’s an idea that should be investigated further.

Second surprise: Nobody leaves the homepage

There are three pages in our navigation menu: “Domov” (Home), “Mozilla” and “Ekipa” (“The team”). It turns out that hardly anyone ever looks at them. 3% of the visitors visit the “Mozilla” page and 1% of the visitors visit the “Ekipa” page.

Nobody is interested in our subpages

What’s more, the average time the visitors spend on the “Mozilla” page is just 27 seconds, and on the “Ekipa” page 1min 46sec. The average for the homepage is 4min 25sec.

Our visitors are not interested in pages other than the homepage.

Why is that? It could be they already found what they were looking for on the homepage and they don’t really care what’s on other pages.

Well, what do we have on our homepage? What does the first time visitor see when she comes to our site?

We put ourselves in the shoes of our visitors

Above the fold three things jump out:

  1. A giant logo. “Why is it so big? I mean it’s nice, but I sure didn’t come to your site for your logo. Why does it take up half of my screen, then?
  2. The “Firefox bar”.
  3. A featured slider.

Below the fold are blog posts and some links in the sidebar. Ooh, it’s a looong page.

In the footer are links to social profiles and a way to contact us. “Why is this in the footer and only in the footer? I don’t want to scroll all the way to the bottom if I want to contact you through your social profiles or your email!”

What if I’m looking for something specific on your website? Why is there no search bar?

We investigated where our visitors were actually clicking

Many of the links on our site are pointing away from our domain. If a visitor clicked on one of those links, we cannot find out about it using only Google Analytics.

Luckily, there is a tool that can show you the exact location where the users are clicking. Visually.

This tool is called CrazyEgg.

Here’s what we found out using CrazyEgg.

CrazyEgg heatmap of our homepage

This is a heatmap of all the clicks on our homepage. Dark areas are where there were no clicks. The more yellow the area, the more clicks it received.

It’s safe to say we’ve cracked it. By far the highest density of clicks is on the green “Firefox” button.

Using CrazyEgg statistics we found out that 40% of our visitors came to our site to download Firefox.

Because this button points to the official Mozilla page and thus away from our domain, there is no way we could have found out about it if we used just Google Analytics.

OK, so far we found out that most users come to our site to download Firefox. Which is expected, since Firefox is what Mozilla is most known for.

What if there was something else the users wanted to find, but they couldn’t because it doesn’t exist?

We asked our visitors what they were looking for

How do you find out what your visitors want? Here’s a crazy idea: you ask them!

There are a lot of online tools for gathering feedback from visitors or customers. We researched for a while and came to a conclusion that Qualaroo would be best for our purposes.

The beauty of Qualaroo is that you can ask the visitors “in the moment”. Right when they are having trouble. Or maybe in a critical moment in your conversion funnel.

It’s also very unobtrusive, which is always welcome.

Anyway, here’s what we did.

The first Qualaroo question

We asked our visitors “What is the purpose of your visit?” Plain and simple works best.

After they wrote their answer, they were prompted with a follow-up question.

The second Qualaroo question

“Were you able to find what you were looking for?” The three choices are “Yes, easily”, “Yes, eventually” and “No”.

As it’s always the case when gathering feedback from customers, the replies were very illuminating:

  • 40% of those who answered were looking to download Firefox. This corresponds nicely to our findings from CrazyEgg.
  • 22% had a problem they were hoping to solve. Only one person was able to solve it.
  • 11% were looking for the news.
  • 4.4% were looking for a job. That’s interesting.

22% of visitors have a problem!

Using Qualaroo we were able to answer yet another one of our questions.

77% of those who answered and were using Internet Explorer actually came to our site to download Firefox.

What’s next?

OK, we found out what our visitors want. Now we just have to give it to them.

We have to find a way for our visitors to be able to solve their problems.

We’ll have to change the layout of our site to better match the visitors’ needs. Of course we won’t just roll out the new version and be done with it.

We have to do it in a scientific way. We have to be able to see if the new version is really better than the old.

This is where Visual Website Optimizer comes in. With it, you just set up a test, tell the software what you want to track and then let it do it’s magic.

We’ll probably do a A/B split-test. This means we’ll show half of our visitors the old version (control) and the other half the new version (variation). Visual Website Optimizer will then track how each version is performing and ultimately tell us which version is the winner (with statistical significance).

If it’s the new one – great, we’ll use it.

If it’s the old one – no worries, we’ll just do another version and run another test.

That’s the beauty of Conversion Rate Optimization. You can’t go backwards.

OK, that’s all for now, folks.

We’ll write about results of our tests in a future post. Don’t miss it! Subscribe to our RSS feed or follow us on Twitter and Facebook.